Continued from Page 1
Route History:
- 2004: Introduced as a term-time supplementary service from NUS Business School and Faculty of Science (Loop)
- 2006: Renamed Service D
- 2010: Extended to serve UTown in both directions, with the forward and reverse directions named D1 and D2 respectively.
- 2013: Extended to Prince George’s Park, no longer operates as a continuous loop route, D1 and D2 are now different routes
- 2022 (25 Jul): Amended to start/end at COM 3, skipping COM 2.
Gallery: (AY21/22 Semester 1)
Gallery: (AY20/21 Semester 2)
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2004: Introduced as unnamed supplementary service
2006: Formalised as Route D
2011: Extended to UTown, renumbered D1/D2
2013: Split from D2 to become its own route
2015: UTown and Museum stops sequence swapped
2016: Sequence swapped back
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