Little India Bus Terminal

Little India Bus Terminal is a unique bus boarding terminal operating only during Weekends and Public Holidays. Separated in two phases located near Litttle India MRT Station, they function as large pick-up point for private buses (Little India Bus Services) ferrying foreign workers back to their dormitories from Little India.

Phase 2 of Little India Bus Terminal along Hampshire Road

Name Little India Bus Terminal
Address Phase 1: along Tekka Lane
Phase 2: along Hampshire Road
Bus Routes Various Little India Bus Services (LIBS)
Berths Phase 1: 7
Phase 2: 10
Rail Connection NE7DT12 Little India


Workers queuing up to board their buses (Phase 1


Little India has long been a gathering place for Singapore’s migrant Indian worker population, who frequently commute between Little India and their dormitories outside the City area. Private bus operators licensed by the Public Transport Council provide point-to-point services to foreign workers travelling between major dormitories and Little India, with pick-up and set-down points located around Bukit Timah Road Hampshire Road, Tekka Lane, MacKenzie Road and Sungei Road. As the migrant worker population increased over the years, early efforts to facilitate bus movement included the conversion of Hampshire Road to one-way traffic towards Race Course Road on Sunday evenings from 1 June 2008.

Severe crowding for buses at Little India remained a common sight until a cumulation of unfortunate events led to the Little India Riot on 8 Dec 2013, which escalated when a private bus knocked down a 33-year-old Indian worker at the junction of Race Course Road and Hampshire Road. The incident placed the foreign worker presence in Little India into the public spotlight, and in the subsequent Committee of Inquiry hearing in March 2014, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced plans to build proper bus boarding shelters at existing bus pick-up areas at Tekka Lane and Hampshire Road. These shelters were to have fans installed and the surrounding areas paved to make bus boarding a more comfortable experience.

This article refers to the two bus boarding shelters collectively as Little India Bus Terminal, while various bus routes operated are referred to as Little India Bus Service (LIBS).


Phase 1 of Little India Bus Terminal was built along Tekka Lane and beside Race Course Road. Constructed under Contract RD287 titled Passenger Facilities at Tekka Lane, the contract was awarded to CCECC Singapore Pte Ltd at S$3,580,000. A short extension of Tekka Lane built opposite Buffalo Road borders the bus terminal. This facility opened in 2014.

Phase 2 of Little India Bus Terminal was built along Hampshire Road, opposite LTA Headquarters. Spanning the length of the road between Rutland Road and Northumberland Road, the larger facility has room for 12 bus berths. Contract RP268C titled Term Contract for Ad Hoc Repairs and Upgrading of Roads, Road Related Facilities and Road Structures (Central Sector) was awarded to Eng Lam Contractors Co (Pte) Ltd for $18,227,000 worth of assorted works. This facility opened in 2015.

In LTA FY2022/2023, Contract DE183 for Proposed Bus Facility Works was awarded to CCECC Singapore Pte Ltd for the expansion of the Little India Bus Terminal. Phase 2 boarding facilities along Hampshire Road are expected to be demolished to accommodate the HDB Farrer Park Fields BTO project and the widening of Hampshire Road.

Terminal Facilities:

Little India Bus Terminal is open only during Weekends and Public Holidays, and remains closed during other times. Boarding berths are accompanied by passenger queuing berths drawn on the ground. Portable toilets are available nearby. Prominent signs are located outside the terminal indicating that there will be no bus services after 9:00pm.

Bus Services:

Bus Services are active from 2pm to 9pm on Sundays.

Service Terminal Destination Fare
LIBS A Tekka Tuas $4
LIBS AG Tekka Mandai, Kranji & Sungei Kadut
via Kranji MRT Station
LIBS AI Tekka Jalan Papan $3.50
LIBS AC Hampshire Penjuru Place $3
LIBS AH Hampshire Sungei Tengah Lodge $3
LIBS H Hampshire Senoko Road $3
LIBS V Hampshire Woodlands Industrial Park E3 $3

Gallery: (click for larger images)
Phase 1 – Tekka Lane

Phase 1 – Exterior

Bus Service Information

Phase 1 – Concourse (Berths 3 – 5)

Phase 1 – Concourse (Berths 5 – 7)

Phase 1 – Exterior


Phase 2 – Hampshire Road

Phase 2 – Exterior seen from Rutland Rd

Berth 12 (near Rutland Rd) looking towards Berth 1

CCTV cameras installed at berths

Berth 5 looking toward Berth 12

Concourse seen from Berth 1, near Northumberland Rd


In Operation

Phase 1 – Queue for buses

Phase 1 – Boarding the buses

Phase 2 – Entering from Berth 1

Phase 2 – Berth 6 towards Berth 1

Phase 2 – Boarding a bus for Lim Chu Kang

Gallery (Expansion)


Location of Little India Ter
Location of Little India Ter. Not seen is a short extension of Buffalo Rd linking up with Tekka Lane, bordering Phase 1 of the terminal.


External Links & References:

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2 thoughts on “Little India Bus Terminal

  • 7 July 2024 at 10:59 PM

    I loss my phone in bus today.
    On 7th july I took bus around 6:30 from little india to reached sungei tengah lodge around 7:15. I miss my phone in that bus I don’t know the bus number. I call so many time on my number but no response please help me to find it out asap. Thanks

  • 14 December 2023 at 9:25 PM

    Actually if its planned right. Maybe can even shfit Queens st bus ter here.


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