SMRT Bus Service 184

SMRT Bus Service 184 is a trunk route from Gali Batu and looping at Clementi MRT, passing through Cashew, Upper Bukit Timah, Clementi Road, Clementi Avenue 2/5 and Clementi MRT.

Gali Batu Ter
↺ Clementi Stn (Loop)
44989 Gali Batu Ter Jalan Gali Batu
44069 Aft KJE Slip Rd Woodlands Rd
44059 Blk 632 CP Woodlands Rd
44049 Opp Junction 10 Woodlands Rd
44251 Bt Panjang Stn/Blk 604 DT1-BP6 Bt Panjang Rd
44241 Opp Lompang Rd Bt Panjang Rd
44231 Zhenghua Pr Sch Bt Panjang Rd
44229 Bef Pending Stn BP8 Pending Rd
43139 Opp Bt Panjang Pr Sch Cashew Rd
43129 Cashew Pk Condo Cashew Rd
43099 Assumption Pathway Sch Upp Bt Timah Rd
43089 Aft Assumption Eng Sch Upp Bt Timah Rd
43069 Hillview Stn Exit A DT3 Upp Bt Timah Rd
43059 The Rail Mall Upp Bt Timah Rd
43049 Opp Hume Pk Condo Upp Bt Timah Rd
43029 Opp The Hillside Upp Bt Timah Rd
43019 Springdale Condo Upp Bt Timah Rd
42119 Southaven II Upp Bt Timah Rd
42109 Opp Beauty World Ctr DT5 Jln Anak Bt
42089 Opp Bt Timah Plaza Jln Anak Bt
42149 Aft Bt Timah Rd Clementi Rd
12109 Opp Ngee Ann Poly Clementi Rd
12099 Opp SIM Campus Clementi Rd
12089 Opp Maju Camp Clementi Rd
12079 Opp Blk 116 Clementi Rd
12069 Opp Blk 109A Clementi Rd
17229 Blk 335 Clementi Ave 5
17179 Clementi Stn Exit B EW23 C'wealth Ave West
17169 Blk 329 C'wealth Ave West
17241 Blk 334 Clementi Ave 2
17111 Blk 343 Clementi Rd
12061 Blk 109 Clementi Rd
12071 Blk 116 Clementi Rd
12081 Clementi N'hood Pk Clementi Rd
12091 SIM Campus Clementi Rd
12101 Ngee Ann Poly Clementi Rd
42141 Bef Dunearn Rd Clementi Rd
42071 Pei Hwa Presby Pr Sch Upp Bt Timah Rd
42091 Beauty World Stn Exit B DT5 Upp Bt Timah Rd
42111 Woh Hup Bldg Upp Bt Timah Rd
43011 Bt Regency Upp Bt Timah Rd
43021 Aft Old Jurong Rd Upp Bt Timah Rd
43041 Hume Pk Condo Upp Bt Timah Rd
43051 Opp The Rail Mall Upp Bt Timah Rd
43061 Hillview Stn DT3 Upp Bt Timah Rd
43071 Opp Dairy Farm Rd Upp Bt Timah Rd
43081 Opp Assumption Eng Sch Upp Bt Timah Rd
43121 Aft Cashew Terr Cashew Rd
43131 Bt Panjang Pr Sch Cashew Rd
44221 Opp Pending Stn BP8 Pending Rd
44239 Opp Zhenghua Pr Sch Bt Panjang Rd
44249 Blk 174 Bt Panjang Rd
44259 Blk 183 Bt Panjang Rd
44041 Junction 10 Woodlands Rd
44051 Opp Blk 632 CP Woodlands Rd
43991 Opp Blk 635A Woodlands Rd
44989 Gali Batu Ter Jalan Gali Batu

  • No boarding and alighting at Gali Batu Bus Terminal
Route Overview
Route WAB_logo_20px Gali Batu Bus Terminal ↺ Commonwealth Avenue West (Loop)
Passes Through Woodlands Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Cashew Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Clementi Rd
Route Length 23.5 km
Travelling Time 95 mins
Operator Information
BCM Route Package Choa Chu Kang–Bukit Panjang Bus Package
Current Operator SMRT Buses Ltd
Current Depot Kranji Bus Depot (KJDEP)
Current Fleet Single-deck, Double-deck & Articulated buses
Operating Hours
Departure Times from Gali Batu
Weekdays Saturdays & Sundays / Public Holidays
05:36 – 23:01 05:51 – 23:01
Operating Frequency
6:30am–8.30am 8.31am–4.59pm 5.00pm–7.00pm After 7.00pm
Loop Service 6 – 8 mins 6 – 9 mins 6 – 9 mins 7 – 11 mins
Fare Information
Fare Charges regular distance fares


Service 184 serves between Gali Batu Ter and Clementi, via Upper Bukit Timah Road and Clementi Road. The route provides bus connections to many institutions along the Clementi Road academic belt, as well as serving residents of Clementi Avenue 5 and Cashew estates to nearby Clementi and Bukit Panjang Town Centres respectively.

This service is one of three bus routes providing the exceedingly high-demand sector between Clementi MRT and SIM/Ngee Ann Poly prior to the opening of King Albert Park MRT Station, alongside Service 52 and 154. Much of the demand on this route is from students commuting from Clementi/Bukit Panjang to Clementi Road. As such, demand is moderate to high during the day.

MRT / LRT Stations Served:



Poster Gallery:


Operator History:
  • 1994 – 1995: Singapore Bus Services Ltd
  • 1995 – 2004: Trans-Island Bus Services Ltd
  • 2004 – Present: SMRT Buses Ltd

The Bus Service Operating License (BSOL) for this route will be renewed in 2026 under the Choa Chu Kang–Bukit Panjang Bus Package.

  • 1994 (03 Jul): Introduced between Bt Panjang Ter and Commonwealth Ave West (Loop)
  • 1995 (02 Jul): Operations transferred to Trans-Island Bus Services (TIBS)
  • 1998: First bus brought forward to 0545 hrs on weekdays
  • 1999 (26 Dec): Amended to Bt Panjang Int
  • 2003 (12 Oct): Serves the bus stop opposite Bt Timah Plaza along Jln Anak Bt with the abolition of the bus stop under the PIE Flyover
  • 2010 (23 May): Skips temporarily abolished bus stop outside Assumption Voc Inst along Upp Bt Timah Rd to facilitate the construction of Cashew MRT station along the Downtown MRT Line
  • 2011 (03 Jul): Serves additional pair of bus stops opposite Ministry of Defence and before Cashew Rd along Upp Bt Timah Rd
  • 2012 (16 Dec): Amended to start from and terminate at Bt Panjang Rd with the opening of Bt Panjang Temp Bus Pk and the closure of Bt Panjang Int
  • 2015 (01 Mar): Serves reinstated bus stop outside Assumption Pathway Sch along Upp Bt Timah Rd, skipping a pair of bus stops opposite Ministry of Defence and before Cashew Rd
  • 2017 (04 Sep): Serves additional pair of bus stops outside and opposite Ten Mile Junction Stn along Woodlands Rd
  • 2017 (17 Dec): Designated wheelchair-accessible bus route (WAB)
  • 2021 (23 Jan): Extended to Gali Batu Ter with the closure of Bt Panjang Temp Bus Pk

Past Routings

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13 thoughts on “SMRT Bus Service 184

  • 24 April 2024 at 6:09 PM

    should extend this service 184 to Tuas Bus Terminal from Gali Batu Bus Terminal passing via Bt Panjang, Upp Bt Timah, Clementi Rd, West Coast, Jalan Buroh & Pioneer Road

    service 184 SHOULD extend to Tuas to connect a direct link for workers who live in West Coast, Bt Panjang to have a direct bus to their workplaces in Buroh Area, Pioneer Rd & Tuas

    Service 184’s deleted sectors looping at Clementi Stn will be replaced by Service 7, skipping clementi stn exit B

  • 14 March 2024 at 9:40 AM

    Should extend to Tengah in the north end, and extend to Harbourfront in the south. Links SIM with CCK, Tengah, NUS and Pasir Panjang

    • 24 April 2024 at 9:38 AM

      For Tengah hard to say. And for Pasir Panjang?

      SIM to Pasir Panjang? Need this link for what….. Not many will also go Pasir Panjang. If you say this, 10 would have not been shortened in 1999. People go Pasir Panjang are mainly workers….. Weekends also not much demand…..

      CCK to NUS? Partly there’s 188 actually (although troublesome but better than nothing).

      Want to see how Pasir Panjang demand is, go and see 188 demand on weekdays & weekends.

  • 30 July 2021 at 5:59 PM

    Deployment of bendies had stopped for this route as there is no lots for bendies in Gali Batu Terminal

    • 26 September 2022 at 1:39 PM

      bendies are back on 184 just for today

    • 1 October 2022 at 1:46 PM

      there are bendy lots in gali batu

  • 28 January 2021 at 12:34 PM

    RIP bendy deployments on 184… just another trunk route with bendy buses removed during this reign of double decker spamming on Singapore’s roads under LTA.

    • 30 July 2021 at 6:00 PM

      The main issue is the Gali Batu Terminal.. Route 169 is the very only trunk route that uses both DDs and bendies for now.


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