SBS Transit Bus Service 92

SBS Transit Bus Service 92 is a trunk route from Ghim Moh and loops at Science Park Drive, via Buona Vista MRT, Kent Ridge MRT, Singapore Science Park 1, and Mount Sinai estate. It operates in a “continuous loop” fashion, where passengers can continue their journeys beyond Ghim Moh Terminal without alighting.

Ghim Moh Ter
↺ Science Pk Dr (Loop)
11009 Ghim Moh Ter Ghim Moh Rd
11359 Opp Blk 13 Ghim Moh Rd
11369 Buona Vista Stn Exit D EW21CC22 Nth Buona Vista Rd
18149 Essec Business Sch Nth Buona Vista Rd
18129 Ayer Rajah Ind Est Buona Vista Flyover
15139 Kent Ridge Stn Exit B CC24 Sth Buona Vista Rd
15181 Opp Ascent Science Pk Dr
18241 Opp Dnv Technology Ctr Science Pk Dr
18251 Opp Reuters Science Pk Dr
18261 Opp DSO Natl Laboratories Science Pk Dr
18271 Blk 85 Science Pk Dr
18281 Opp Normanton Pk/R'ford Science Pk Dr
18289 Opp R'ford/Normanton Pk Science Pk Dr
18279 Opp Blk 85 Science Pk Dr
18269 Bef Reuters Science Pk Dr
18249 Dnv Technology Ctr Science Pk Dr
15189 Ascent Science Pk Dr
15131 Kent Ridge Stn CC24 Sth Buona Vista Rd
18121 Opp Ayer Rajah Ind Est Buona Vista Flyover
18141 Aft Anglo-Chinese JC Nth Buona Vista Rd
11361 Buona Vista Stn Exit C EW21CC22 Nth Buona Vista Rd
11351 Blk 13 Ghim Moh Rd
11001 Opp Ghim Moh Ter Ghim Moh Rd
12121 Blk 7 Ghim Moh Rd
12131 Aft Grove Ave Mt Sinai Rd
12141 Opp Henry Pk Mt Sinai Rd
12211 Bef Mt Sinai Wk Mt Sinai Dr
12151 Bef Moonbeam Terr Moonbeam Walk
12031 Pandan Valley Condo Ulu Pandan Rd
12169 Pandan Valley Pandan Valley
12179 Montview Mt Sinai Rise
12199 Opp Village Twr Mt Sinai Rise
12189 Bef Mt Sinai Dr Mt Sinai Rise
12149 Henry Pk Mt Sinai Rd
12139 Aft Mt Sinai Lane Mt Sinai Rd
12129 Blk 3 Ghim Moh Rd
11009 Ghim Moh Ter Ghim Moh Rd


  • Service 92 buses will continue past Ghim Moh Ter, and passengers need not alight.
    Service 92T buses will terminate at Ghim Moh Ter.
Route Overview
Route WAB_logo_20px Ghim Moh Bus Terminal ↺ Science Park Drive (Loop)
Passes Through North Buona Vista Rd, Ghim Moh Rd, Ulu Pandan Rd, Mount Sinai Rise
Route Length 12.2 km
Travelling Time 65 mins
Operator Information
BCM Route Package Clementi Bus Package
Current Operator SBS Transit Ltd
Current Depot Bukit Batok Bus Depot (BBDEP)
Current Fleet Single-deck buses
Operating Hours
Departure Times from Ghim Moh
Sundays / Public Holidays
06:17 – 21:20 06:18 – 21:23 07:00 – 20:43
Buses leaving Ghim Moh Ter at the following times will operate as Service 92T, terminating at Ghim Moh Ter, and not continuing on another loop of Service 92:
Weekdays: 20:44 – 21:20 / Saturdays 20:53 – 21:23 / Sundays & Public Holidays: 20:07 – 20:43
Short Trip Service 92A will operate daily after the last bus of Service 92T, plying Buona Vista MRT to Science Pk Dr (Opp Normanton Pk/R’ford) daily, until 22:30.
Operating Frequency
Loop Service 6:30am–8.30am 8.31am–4.59pm 5.00pm–7.00pm After 7.00pm
Weekdays 6 8 mins 7 15 mins 6 8 mins 7 12 mins
Saturdays 8 15 mins 4 18 mins 15 18 mins 14 18 mins
Sundays / Public Holidays 12 13 mins 12 13 mins 12 13 mins 12 13 mins
Fare Information
Fare Charges regular distance fares


Service 92 serves Ghim Moh, Mount Sinai, and Singapore Science Park 1, with bus connections to Buona Vista MRT and Kent Ridge MRT. The route is laid out in a dual-loop format, with buses from Ghim Moh Ter first heading to a loop at Science Park Drive, followed by a second loop at Mount Sinai, before returning to Ghim Moh Ter.

The route operates in a continuous-loop fashion, and buses will swap drivers at Ghim Moh Ter, a practice known as CLOWBus (Crew Lay-Over Without Bus). Passengers need not alight at Ghim Moh Terminal, and can continue their journey beyond Ghim Moh Ter without transferring buses or incurring a new ride.

For trips that terminate at Ghim Moh Ter, the T suffix is used, and buses operate as Service 92T.

Historical Background

The route began operations on 11 September 1989, then called Service M1, operating on Weekdays and Saturdays, as Nth Buona Vista Rd (Buona Vista MRT) ↺ Mount Sinai Dr (Loop). These M-prefixed routes were special feeder bus routes that connected newly opened MRT stations to nearby housing estates. On 17 January 1994, it was extended to start from Science Pk Dr, becoming Science Park Dr ↺ Mount Sinai Dr (Loop), and on 1 December 1997, it was renumbered Service 92.

The most recent amendment on 26 November 2007 saw Service 92 amended to terminate at Ghim Moh Ter, becoming Ghim Moh ↺ Science Pk Dr (Loop).

On 30 August 2015, route variant Service 92M was introduced between Ghim Moh and Mount Sinai, operating on Sundays & Public Holidays while Service 92 was not in operation. On 25 August 2024, Service 92 was enhanced to operate daily, and Service 92M was thus discontinued.

Short Trip Services

Service 92 operates two short-trip services, 92A and 92B, both operating as second-generation routes.

Service 92A (1st Generation) was introduced in 2001, and operated as Science Park Dr (Blk 85) → Ghim Moh Rd (Blk 13) during weekday evening peak hours. It was extended to start from Ghim Moh sometime in 2012 via Science Park 1 (Ghim Moh Ter → Science Park Dr → Ghim Moh Rd (Blk 13)), but the majority of trips continued to be dispatched from Science Park 1 in the evenings.

Service 92B (1st Generation) was introduced on 26 November 2007, in tandem with the amendment of Service 92 to Ghim Moh. The route plied Ghim Moh Ter → Science Park Drive (Blk 85) and operated during the morning peak hours, and in the late evenings after the last bus of Service 92 has departed Ghim Moh.

Both short-trip services were withdrawn on 27 November 2023 with the improvement of morning & evening peak frequencies for Service 92.

Service 92A (2nd Generation) was re-introduced on 25 August 2024, as Nth Buona Vista Rd (Buona Vista Stn Exit D) → Science Pk Dr (Opp Normanton Pk/R’ford), operating daily after the last bus of Service 92.

Service 92B (2nd Generation) was re-introduced on 24 March 2025, as South Buona Vista Road (Kent Ridge Stn Exit B) → South Buona Vista Road (Kent Ridge Stn), operating on weekday morning peak hours.

MRT Stations Served:
Special Departures:
  • Science Park Dr (Opp R’ford/Normanton Pk)  Ghim Moh Ter via Mount Sinai
    Weekdays: 06:42, 15:50 & 16:52
    Saturdays: 07:16
  • North Buona Vista Rd (Buona Vista Stn Exit C)  Ghim Moh Ter via Mount Sinai
    Weekdays: 06:00, 06:15, 06:30, 07:29, 07:36 & 07:48
    Saturdays: 06:00, 06:17 & 06:30
    Sundays / Public Holidays: 07:15
  • Ghim Moh Rd (Blk 13)  Ghim Moh Ter via Mount Sinai
    Sundays / Public Holidays: 06:40, 06:52 & 07:05
Terminating Trips:
  • Service 92T: Ghim Moh Ter ↺ Science Park Drive (Loop) via Mount Sinai
    Daily; Terminates at Ghim Moh Ter
    Night departures from Ghim Moh Ter:
    Weekdays: 20:44, 20:56, 21:08 & 21:20
    Saturdays: 20:53, 21:08 & 21:23
    Sundays / Public Holidays: 20:07, 20:19, 20:31 & 20:49
Short Trip Services:
  • Service 92A: North Buona Vista Rd (Buona Vista Stn Exit D) → Science Park Dr (Opp Normanton Pk/R’ford)
    Daily, after the last bus of Service 92 till 22:30
  • Service 92B: South Buona Vista Rd (Kent Ridge Stn Exit B) → South Buona Vista Rd (Kent Ridge Stn) via Science Park Drive
    Weekdays (except Public Holidays): 07:50 – 09:11

Poster Gallery:

Operator History:
  • 1997 – 2001: Singapore Bus Services Ltd
  • 2001 – Present: SBS Transit Ltd

Service 92

  • 1997 (01 Dec): Re-numbered from Service M1 as a service between Science Park Dr (Blk 85) and Mount Sinai Dr (Loop)
  • 1999: Last bus extended to 2100 hrs on weekdays
  • 2005: Serves new bus stop between House Nos. 33 and 35 along Mount Sinai Dr
  • 2007 (26 Nov): Amended to start from Ghim Moh Ter and loop at Science Park Dr/Mount Sinai Dr
  • 2014 (28 Sep): Serves 3 new bus stops outside Blk 85 and outside and opposite The Rutherford along Science Park Dr
  • 2014 (29 Sep): Designated wheelchair-accessible bus route (WAB)
  • 2016 (19 Dec): Last bus extended to 2035 hrs on weekdays and 2036 hrs on Saturdays
  • 2023 (10 Sep): Serves new bus stop opposite Ghim Moh Ter along Ghim Moh Rd
  • 2023 (27 Nov): Improved peak hour frequency
  • 2024 (25 Aug): Operating hours extended to daily including public holidays

Service 92T (Service 92 Terminating Trips)

  • 2023 (27 Nov): Introduced as trips of Service 92 that terminates at Ghim Moh Ter without continuing on another loop of Service 92

Past Routings

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2 thoughts on “SBS Transit Bus Service 92

  • 12 October 2019 at 8:24 PM

    Hi , I am Mdm Loh , would like to appeal for the extension of timing for service 92 to 11pm-12am instead of 8.35pm..As many need to work late or shift work & unable to take 92 to mount Sinai Rise after 8.30pm caused inconvenience to residence .. I would appreciate if LTA could consider extending the hours to 11pm -12am instead of so early 8.30pm on weekdays ..
    kindly look into my appeal. Thank you

  • 27 February 2017 at 6:44 AM

    The 92 bus not only serves the science park community but is also frequented by Henry Park and Nexus students. Most mornings there is no bus passing Henry Park until about 7am. Then several buses in a row appear. This bus is packed with kids trying to get to school/swim practice who are late. Is it possible to get a bus that passes this spot at 6:45 and space the buses out so they are 5-10 min apart from there? It seems that it is the time the bus is just starting so several leave at nearly the same time but the 92 isnt best serving the needs of those people who use that line. I’ve also noted that the buses are often bunched together more often in the last few months. So two will come back to back and not another for a 1/2 hour. It is very frustratiNg.


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