This article reflects the changes in routes for operational trunk bus services in Singapore. For more information on the exact operating hours and calling bus stops of trunk bus services, please click on the links to their individual bus service articles attached in their headings.
SMRT Bus Service 180 (since 10 Mar 1996)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2018 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Petir Rd and Bt Panjang Interchange (Loop) | Jelebu Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2012 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd and Petir Rd (Loop) | Jelebu Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2009 | Bt Panjang Interchange, Jelebu Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Jelebu Rd and Bt Panjang Interchange. |
2006 | Bt Panjang Interchange, Jelebu Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jln Boon Lay, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Jelebu Rd and Bt Panjang Interchange. |
1999 | Bt Panjang Interchange, Jelebu Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Jelebu Rd and Bt Panjang Interchange. |
1996 | Bt Panjang Terminal, Petir Rd, Pending Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Gangsa Rd, Petir Rd and Bt Panjang Terminal. |
SMRT Bus Service 180A (since 16 Dec 2012)
Year | Route (PM Peak/Last Bus: One-Directional) |
2018 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Petir Rd, Bt Panjang Interchange, Jelebu Rd and Bt Panjang Rd (terminating at Blk 183). |
2012 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Petir Rd, Jelebu Rd and Bt Panjang Rd (terminating at Blk 183). |
SMRT Bus Service 181 (since 9 Jan 2005)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2009 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West Ave 5 and Jurong West Ave 3 (Loop) | Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West Ave 5, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2006 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West Ave 5 and Jurong West Ave 3 (Loop) | Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West Ave 5, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West St 64 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2005 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West Ave 5 and Jurong West Ave 3 (Loop) | Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West Ave 5, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
SMRT Bus Service 181M (since 21 Mar 2016)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2016 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West Ave 5, Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West St 22 and Jurong West St 23 (Loop) | Jurong West St 24, Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West Ave 5, Jurong West St 75, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
SMRT Bus Service 182 (since 19 Jul 1998)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2015 | Joo Koon Interchange, Joo Koon Circle, Benoi Rd, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Benoi Rd, Joo Koon Circle and Joo Koon Interchange. |
2009 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2006 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2002 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2001 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Boon Lay Way, Jln Boon Lay, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr and Tuas Terminal. | Tuas Terminal, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Jln Boon Lay, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
1998 | Jurong East Interchange, Jurong East St 13, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Corporation Rd, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr and Tuas Terminal. | Tuas Terminal, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Corporation Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East St 13 and Jurong East Interchange. |
SMRT Bus Service 182X/182M (since 19 Jul 1998)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2015 | Joo Koon Interchange, Joo Koon Circle, Benoi Rd, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Benoi Rd, Joo Koon Circle and Joo Koon Interchange. |
2013 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas Checkpoint, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2009 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2006 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2002 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Upp Jurong Rd, PIE, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr, Tuas Sth Ave 3 and Tuas Sth Ave 9 (Loop) | Tuas Sth Ave 8, Tuas Sth Ave 5, Tuas Sth Ave 4, Tuas Sth Ave 3, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, PIE, Upp Jurong Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
2001 | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Boon Lay Way, Jln Boon Lay, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr and Tuas Terminal. | Tuas Terminal, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Jln Boon Lay, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. |
1998 | Jurong East Interchange, Jurong East St 13, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way, Corporation Rd, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Tuas West Dr and Tuas Terminal. | Tuas Terminal, Tuas West Dr, Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Corporation Rd, Boon Lay Way, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East St 13 and Jurong East Interchange. |
Tower Transit Bus Service 183 (since 22 Aug 2004)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2005 | Jurong East Interchange, Jurong Gateway Rd, Jurong East Ctrl, Toh Guan Rd, Toh Guan Rd East, Old Toh Tuck Rd, Toh Tuck Lk, Toh Tuck Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Rd, Pasir Panjang Rd and Science Pk Rd (Loop) | Pasir Panjang Rd, Clementi Rd, Commonwealth Ave West, Toh Tuck Ave, Toh Tuck Lk, Old Toh Tuck Rd, Toh Guan Rd East, Toh Guan Rd, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong Gateway Rd and Jurong East Interchange. |
2004 | Jurong East Interchange, Jurong East St 13, Jurong East Ctrl, Toh Guan Rd, Toh Guan Rd East, Old Toh Tuck Rd, Toh Tuck Lk, Toh Tuck Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Rd and Kent Ridge Terminal (Loop) | Clementi Rd, Commonwealth Ave West, Toh Tuck Ave, Toh Tuck Lk, Old Toh Tuck Rd, Toh Guan Rd East, Toh Guan Rd, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East St 13 and Jurong East Interchange. |
Tower Transit Bus Service 183B (since 16 Aug 2010)
Year | Route (AM Peak: One-Directional) |
2010 | Jurong East Interchange, Jurong Gateway Rd, Jurong East Ctrl, Toh Guan Rd, Toh Guan Rd East, Old Toh Tuck Rd, Toh Tuck Lk and Toh Tuck Ave (terminating at Aft Toh Tuck Lk). |
SMRT Bus Service 184 (since 3 Jul 1994)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2021 | Gali Batu Terminal, Jln Gali Batu, Woodlands Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Pending Rd, Petir Rd, Cashew Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Jln Anak Bt, Clementi Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Ave 5, Clementi Ave 4 and Commonwealth Ave West (Loop) | Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Cashew Rd, Petir Rd, Pending Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Woodlands Rd, Jln Gali Batu and Gali Batu Terminal. |
2017 | Woodlands Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Pending Rd, Petir Rd, Cashew Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Jln Anak Bt, Clementi Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Ave 5, Clementi Ave 4 and Commonwealth Ave West (Loop) | Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Cashew Rd, Petir Rd, Pending Rd, Bt Panjang Rd and Woodlands Rd. |
2012 | Bt Panjang Rd, Pending Rd, Petir Rd, Cashew Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Jln Anak Bt, Clementi Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Ave 5, Clementi Ave 4 and Commonwealth Ave West (Loop) | Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Cashew Rd, Petir Rd, Pending Rd and Bt Panjang Rd. |
1999 | Bt Panjang Interchange, Jelebu Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Pending Rd, Petir Rd, Cashew Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Jln Anak Bt, Clementi Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Ave 5, Clementi Ave 4 and Commonwealth Ave West (Loop) | Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Cashew Rd, Petir Rd, Pending Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Jelebu Rd, Petir Rd and Bt Panjang Interchange. |
1994 | Bt Panjang Terminal, Petir Rd, Gangsa Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Pending Rd, Petir Rd, Cashew Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Jln Anak Bt, Clementi Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Ave 5, Clementi Ave 4 and Commonwealth Ave West (Loop) | Clementi Ave 2, Clementi Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Cashew Rd, Petir Rd and Bt Panjang Terminal. |
SMRT Bus Service 185 (since 26 Dec 2006)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2006 | Soon Lee Bus Pk, Soon Lee Rd, Soon Lee Dr, Pioneer Rd Nth, Jurong West Ave 5, Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West St 22, Jurong West St 23, Jurong West Ave 2, Corporation Rd, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong Town Hall Rd, PIE, Clementi Ave 6, Commonwealth Ave West, Commonwealth Ave, Holland Ave, Holland Dr and Buona Vista Terminal. | Buona Vista Terminal, Holland Dr, Holland Ave, Commonwealth Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 6, PIE, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Corporation Rd, Jurong West Ave 2, Jurong West St 23, Jurong West St 22, Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West Ave 5, Pioneer Rd Nth, Soon Lee Dr, Soon Lee Rd and Soon Lee Bus Pk. |
SBS Transit Bus Service 186 (since 3 Jan 1993)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2023 | Shenton Way Terminal, Prince Edward Rd, Shenton Way, Palmer Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, Havelock Rd, Ganges Ave, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Farrer Rd, Dunearn Rd, Whitley Rd, PIE, Mt Pleasant Rd, Thomson Rd, Balestier Rd, Whampoa Dr, Jln Bahagia, Kim Keat Rd, Whampoa Rd and St. Michael’s Terminal. | St. Michael’s Terminal, Whampoa Rd, Whampoa Dr, Jln Bahagia, Kim Keat Rd, Balestier Rd, Thomson Rd, Whitley Rd, Bt Timah Rd, Farrer Rd, Queensway, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Ganges Ave, Havelock Rd, Upp Pickering St, Pickering St, Church St, Cecil St, Finlayson Green, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way and Shenton Way Terminal. |
2017 | Shenton Way Terminal, Prince Edward Rd, Shenton Way, Palmer Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, Havelock Rd, Ganges Ave, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Farrer Rd, Dunearn Rd, Whitley Rd, PIE, Thomson Rd, Balestier Rd, Whampoa Dr, Jln Bahagia, Kim Keat Rd, Whampoa Rd and St. Michael’s Terminal. | St. Michael’s Terminal, Whampoa Rd, Whampoa Dr, Jln Bahagia, Kim Keat Rd, Balestier Rd, Thomson Rd, Whitley Rd, Bt Timah Rd, Farrer Rd, Queensway, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Ganges Ave, Havelock Rd, Upp Pickering St, Pickering St, Church St, Cecil St, Finlayson Green, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way and Shenton Way Terminal. |
1993 (Apr) | Shenton Way Terminal, Palmer Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, Havelock Rd, Ganges Ave, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Farrer Rd, Dunearn Rd, Whitley Rd, PIE, Thomson Rd, Balestier Rd, Whampoa Dr, Jln Bahagia, Kim Keat Rd, Whampoa Rd and St. Michael’s Terminal. | St. Michael’s Terminal, Whampoa Rd, Whampoa Dr, Jln Bahagia, Kim Keat Rd, Balestier Rd, Thomson Rd, Whitley Rd, Bt Timah Rd, Farrer Rd, Queensway, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Ganges Ave, Havelock Rd, Upp Pickering St, Pickering St, Church St, Cecil St, Finlayson Green, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way, Palmer Rd and Shenton Way Terminal. |
1993 (Jan) | Shenton Way Terminal, Palmer Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, Havelock Rd, Ganges Ave, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Farrer Rd, Dunearn Rd and Kheam Hock Rd (Loop) | Bt Timah Rd, Farrer Rd, Queensway, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Ganges Ave, Havelock Rd, Upp Pickering St, Pickering St, Church St, Cecil St, Finlayson Green, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way, Palmer Rd and Shenton Way Terminal. |
SMRT Bus Service 187 (since 10 Jul 1988)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2021 | Woodlands Interchange, Woodlands Ave 3, BKE, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong West St 51, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 51, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, BKE, Woodlands Ave 3 and Woodlands Interchange. |
2016 | Woodlands Temp Interchange, Woodlands Sq, Woodlands Ave 3, BKE, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong West St 51, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 51, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, BKE, Woodlands Ave 3, Woodlands Sq and Woodlands Temp Interchange. |
2009 | Woodlands Reg Interchange, Woodlands Ave 3, BKE, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong West St 51, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 64, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 51, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, BKE, Woodlands Ave 3 and Woodlands Reg Interchange. |
2006 | Woodlands Reg Interchange, Woodlands Ave 3, BKE, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong West St 51, Boon Lay Way, Jln Boon Lay, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West St 64 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 51, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, BKE, Woodlands Ave 3 and Woodlands Reg Interchange. |
1996 | Woodlands Reg Interchange, Woodlands Ave 3, BKE, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong West St 51, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 51, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, BKE, Woodlands Ave 3 and Woodlands Reg Interchange. |
1990 | Bt Panjang Terminal, Petir Rd, Pending Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong West St 51, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Jurong West Ctrl 3 and Boon Lay Interchange. | Boon Lay Interchange, Jurong West Ctrl 3, Jurong West Ctrl 2, Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 51, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Gangsa Rd, Petir Rd and Bt Panjang Terminal. |
1988 | Bt Panjang Terminal, Petir Rd, Pending Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong West St 51, Yuan Ching Rd, Kang Ching Rd, Corporation Dr, Yung Ho Rd, Corporation Rd, Jurong Port Rd and Jurong Interchange. | Jurong Interchange, Jurong Port Rd, Corporation Rd, Yung Ho Rd, Corporation Dr, Kang Ching Rd, Yuan Ching Rd, Jurong West St 51, Jurong West Ave 1, Jurong East Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Rd, Bt Panjang Rd, Gangsa Rd, Petir Rd and Bt Panjang Terminal. |
SMRT Bus Service 188 (since 7 Mar 1999)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
1999 | Choa Chu Kang Interchange, Choa Chu Kang Loop, Choa Chu Kang Ave 4, Choa Chu Kang Way, Bt Batok Rd, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 3, Bt Batok West Ave 6, Bt Batok Ave 1, Jurong East Ctrl, Toh Guan Rd, Boon Lay Way, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 6, AYE, Clementi Rd, Pasir Panjang Rd, Telok Blangah Rd, Seah Im Rd and HarbourFront Interchange. | HarbourFront Interchange, Seah Im Rd, Telok Blangah Rd, Pasir Panjang Rd, Clementi Rd, AYE, Clementi Ave 6, Commonwealth Ave West, Boon Lay Way, Toh Guan Rd, Jurong East Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok West Ave 6, Bt Batok West Ave 3, Bt Batok West Ave 2, Bt Batok West Ave 4, Bt Batok West Ave 7, Bt Batok West Ave 5, Bt Batok Rd, Choa Chu Kang Way, Choa Chu Kang Ave 4, Choa Chu Kang Loop and Choa Chu Kang Interchange. |
Tower Transit Bus Service 189 (since 3 Feb 1974)
Year | Route | |
Direction 1 | Direction 2 | |
2014 | Bt Batok Interchange, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 3, PIE, Clementi Ave 6, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 2, AYE, Clementi Rd and Clementi Ave 1 (Loop) | Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 6, PIE, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl and Bt Batok Interchange. |
2001 | Bt Batok Interchange, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 3, PIE, Clementi Ave 6, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 2, West Coast Rd, Clementi Rd and Kent Ridge Terminal (Loop) | Clementi Rd, West Coast Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 6, PIE, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl and Bt Batok Interchange. |
1996 | Bt Batok Interchange, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 3, PIE, Clementi Ave 6, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 2, West Coast Rd, Clementi Rd and West Coast Ferry Rd (Loop) | Clementi Rd, West Coast Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 6, PIE, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl and Bt Batok Interchange. |
1995 | Bt Batok Interchange, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Toh Tuck Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 2, West Coast Rd, Clementi Rd and West Coast Ferry Rd (Loop) | Clementi Rd, West Coast Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Commonwealth Ave West, Toh Tuck Ave, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl and Bt Batok Interchange. |
1991 | Bt Batok Interchange, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Toh Tuck Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Clementi Ave 2 and Clementi West St 2 (Loop) | West Coast Rd, Clementi Ave 2, Commonwealth Ave West, Toh Tuck Ave, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Bt Batok St 23, Bt Batok East Ave 6, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok Ctrl and Bt Batok Interchange. |
1987 | Bt Batok Interchange, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Toh Tuck Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Kg Bahru Rd, Eu Tong Sen St, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Collyer Quay, Fullerton Rd, Empress Pl, St. Andrew’s Rd, Beach Rd, Bras Basah Rd, Raffles Blvd and Marina Ctr Terminal. | Marina Ctr Terminal, Raffles Blvd, Raffles Ave, Connaught Dr, Fullerton Rd, Collyer Quay, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way, Keppel Rd, Cantonment Lk, Cantonment Rd, Neil Rd, Kg Bahru Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Toh Tuck Ave, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Bt Batok Ctrl and Bt Batok Interchange. |
1985 | Bt Batok Terminal, Bt Batok West Ave 3, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Toh Tuck Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Kg Bahru Rd, New Bridge Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Collyer Quay, Fullerton Rd, Empress Pl, St. Andrew’s Rd, Beach Rd, Bras Basah Rd, Raffles Blvd and Marina Ctr Terminal. | Marina Ctr Terminal, Raffles Blvd, Raffles Ave, Connaught Dr, Fullerton Rd, Collyer Quay, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way, Keppel Rd, Cantonment Lk, Cantonment Rd, Neil Rd, Kg Bahru Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Commonwealth Ave West, Toh Tuck Ave, Bt Batok East Ave 3, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok West Ave 3 and Bt Batok Terminal. |
1982 | Buona Vista Terminal, Nth Buona Vista Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Kg Bahru Rd, New Bridge Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Collyer Quay, Fullerton Rd and Empress Pl (Loop) | St. Andrew’s Rd, Connaught Dr, Fullerton Rd, Collyer Quay, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way, Keppel Rd, Spottiswoode Pk Rd, Cantonment Rd, Neil Rd, Kg Bahru Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Holland Ave, Holland Dr and Buona Vista Terminal. |
1980 | Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Kg Bahru Rd, New Bridge Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Collyer Quay, Fullerton Rd and Empress Pl (Loop) | St. Andrew’s Rd, Connaught Dr, Fullerton Rd, Collyer Quay, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way, Keppel Rd, Spottiswoode Pk Rd, Cantonment Rd, Neil Rd, Kg Bahru Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Holland Ave, Holland Dr, Nth Buona Vista Rd and Commonwealth Ave. |
1979 | Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Kg Bahru Rd, New Bridge Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Collyer Quay, Fullerton Rd and Empress Pl (Loop) | St. Andrew’s Rd, Connaught Dr, Fullerton Rd, Collyer Quay, Raffles Quay, Shenton Way, Keppel Rd, Cantonment Rd, Neil Rd, Kg Bahru Rd, Jln Bt Merah, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Holland Ave, Holland Dr, Nth Buona Vista Rd and Commonwealth Ave. |
1978 | Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Commonwealth Dr, Commonwealth Ave, round Queen’s Circus, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Outram Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, New Bridge Rd, Nth Canal Rd and Sth Canal Rd. | Sth Canal Rd, Boat Quay, Market St, Cecil St, Boon Tat St, Shenton Way, Parsi Rd, Anson Rd, Keppel Rd, Cantonment Rd, Outram Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Commonwealth Dr, Commonwealth Ave, Queen’s Circus, Commonwealth Ave, Holland Ave, Holland Dr, Nth Buona Vista Rd and Commonwealth Ave. |
1977 | Commonwealth Ave, Commonwealth Dr, Queensway, Farrer Circus, Queensway, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Outram Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, New Bridge Rd, Nth Canal Rd and Sth Canal Rd. | Sth Canal Rd, Boat Quay, Market St, Cecil St, Boon Tat St, Shenton Way, Parsi Rd, Anson Rd, Keppel Rd, Cantonment Rd, Outram Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Commonwealth Dr, Commonwealth Ave, Queen’s Circus, Commonwealth Ave, Holland Ave, Holland Dr, Nth Buona Vista Rd and Commonwealth Ave. |
1975 | Commonwealth Ave, Commonwealth Dr, Queensway, Farrer Circus, Queensway, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Outram Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, New Bridge Rd, Nth Canal Rd and Sth Canal Rd. | Sth Canal Rd, Boat Quay, Market St, Cecil St, Boon Tat St, Shenton Way, Parsi Rd, Anson Rd, Keppel Rd, Cantonment Rd, Outram Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Commonwealth Dr, Commonwealth Ave, Queen’s Circus and Commonwealth Ave. |
1974 | Commonwealth Ave, Commonwealth Dr, Queensway, Farrer Circus, Queensway, Commonwealth Ave, Alexandra Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Seng Poh Rd, Outram Rd, Cantonment Rd, Keppel Rd, Anson Rd, Cecil St, Cross St, Upp Cross St, New Bridge Rd, Nth Canal Rd and Sth Canal Rd. | Sth Canal Rd, Boat Quay, Market St, Cecil St, Boon Tat St, Shenton Way, Parsi Rd, Anson Rd, Keppel Rd, Cantonment Rd, Outram Rd, Tiong Bahru Rd, Lower Delta Rd, Alexandra Rd, Commonwealth Ave, Queensway, Commonwealth Dr, Commonwealth Ave, Queen’s Circus and Commonwealth Ave. |
Tower Transit Bus Service 189A (since 5 Jan 2009)
Year | Route (AM Peak/Last Bus: One-Directional) |
2009 | Bt Batok Interchange, Bt Batok Ctrl, Bt Batok Ave 1, Bt Batok East Ave 6 and Bt Batok St 23 (terminating at Opp Midview Bldg). |
External Links & References:
- SBS Bus Guides 1980 – 1990/1991
- TransitLink Guides 1992 – 2014
- Transitlink eGuide (until Aug 2024)
- SimplyGo eGuide (from Sep 2024)
- SGWiki – History of Bus Services