SMRT Bus Service 967

Bus Service 967, operated by SMRT Buses, is a trunk route from Woodlands Temporary Bus Interchange and looping at Woodlands Drive 17, passing through Marsiling MRT, Woodlands St 41, Woodlands Avenue 1, and Woodlands South MRT. The route serves housing estates and local amenities around Woodlands and Marsiling, including the Woodlands Health Campus.

Woodlands Temp Int
↺ Woodlands Dr 17 (Loop)
47009 Woodlands Temp Int NS9TE2 Woodlands Square
46549 Blk 347 Woodlands Ave 3
46539 Blk 320 Woodlands Ave 3
46529 Opp Marsiling Stn NS8 Woodlands Ave 3
46591 Blk 303 Woodlands Ave 1
46379 Blk 409 Woodlands St 41
46369 Blk 413 Woodlands St 41
46611 Fuchun Sec Sch Woodlands Ave 1
46621 Blk 335 Woodlands Ave 1
46359 Aft Blk 336 Woodlands Ave 1
46349 Aft Blk 353 Woodlands Ave 1
46971 Woodgrove Pr Sch Woodlands Ave 1
46981 W'lands Sth Stn Exit 2 TE3 Woodlands Ave 1
46991 Blk 589 TE3 Woodlands Ave 1
47749 W'lands Health Campus TE3 Woodlands Dr 17
47731 Opp Christ Ch Sec Sch Woodlands Dr 17
46979 Opp Blk 507 Woodlands Ave 1
46341 Rosewood Woodlands Ave 1
46351 Woodhaven Woodlands Ave 1
46629 The Woodgrove Woodlands Ave 1
46619 Opp Fuchun Sec Sch Woodlands Ave 1
46361 Blk 425 Woodlands St 41
46371 Blk 406 Woodlands St 41
46521 Marsiling Stn NS8 Woodlands Ave 3
46531 Blk 173 Woodlands Ave 3
46541 Marsiling Mall Woodlands Ave 3
47009 Woodlands Temp Int NS9TE2 Woodlands Square
Route Overview
Route WAB_logo_20px Woodlands Temporary Bus Interchange ↺ Woodlands Drive 17 (Loop)
Passes Through Woodlands Ave 3, Woodlands St 41, Woodlands Ave 1
Route Length 12.1 km
Travelling Time 55 mins
Operator Information
BCM Route Package Woodlands Bus Package
Current Operator SMRT Buses Ltd
Current Depot Woodlands Bus Depot (WLDEP)
Current Fleet Single-deck buses
Operating Hours
Departure Times from Woodlands Temp Int
05:30 – 00:30
Operating Frequency
Loop Service 6:30am–8.30am 8.31am–4.59pm 5.00pm–7.00pm After 7.00pm
12 mins 15 mins 12 – 15 mins 12 – 15 mins
Fare Information
Fare Charges regular distance fares

Bus Service 967 is a trunk route connecting housing estates and local amenities around Woodlands, Marsiling, and Woodlands South. The route serves Woodlands Ave 3, Woodlands St 41, Woodlands Ave 1 and Woodlands Dr 17, with connections to Woodlands Regional Centre, Marsiling MRT and Woodlands South MRT.

This service was introduced under the Bus Connectivity Enhancement Programme (BCEP), a scheme launched in 2024 that facilitated the introduction of new bus services and the enhancement of existing bus services. Apart from serving new and upcoming HDB BTO estates and condominiums in Woodlands South (e.g. HDB Champions Green, HDB Champions Bliss, HDB Woodlands South Plains, Norwood Grand condo), Bus Service 967 opens up new intra-town connections, between Woodlands South and Marsiling via Woodlands Avenue 1 thereby boosting connectivity within the Woodlands estate. Bus Service 912M was withdrawn in tandem with the introduction of this service.

Major schools and amenities served by this service include:

  • Woodlands Regional Centre (Causeway Point / Woods Square)
  • Woodlands Stadium / Woodlands Sports Hall
  • Marsiling Mall
  • Marsiling Point
  • Woodlands Polyclinic
  • Singapore American School
  • Fuchun Primary School
  • Fuchun Secondary School
  • The Woodgrove Mall
  • Si Ling Primary School
  • Woodgrove Primary School
  • Woodgrove Secondary School
  • ACE The Place Community Club
  • Woodlands Health Campus
  • Christ Church Secondary School
  • Innova Primary School

Despite running entirely within the Woodlands estate, it is classified as a trunk service, not a feeder bus service.

MRT Stations Served

Poster Gallery

Operator History:
  • 12 Jan 2025 – Present: SMRT Buses Ltd
  • 2025 (12 Jan): Introduced between Woodlands Temp Int and Woodlands Drive 17 (Loop) under LTA’s Bus Connectivity Enhancement Programme (BCEP).

Past Routings

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48 thoughts on “SMRT Bus Service 967

  • 29 December 2024 at 8:10 AM

    967 getting man A22 EURO SIX

  • 24 December 2024 at 3:07 PM

    This is for everyone who is attempting to pacify their OCD and trying to “extend 967 to BLAH BLAH”. I give you an irritation-filled explanation as to why 967 IS NOT MEANT TO EXTEND.

    First and foremost, 967 was NOT supposed to be 967. It was supposed to be… 905? 906? 907? IDK just take your pick. Point is, 967 was supposed to be a FEEDER. Get it? FEEEEEEEDEEEEERRRR. What classifies a feeder according to LTA? A bus service that feeds people from the main transport hub to the estates WITHIN THE TOWN. So, if 967 was numbered differently, how can 967 extend anywhere?

    Second, and I hear what you saying now. “IF FEEDER THAN WHY TRUNK 967 WAH WAH WAH!”. As your dear Asian parent who would very much love giving a good ol’ whipping whacking, instead of that I will calmly explain. The classification for 967 to be a trunk service was SMRT Buses’ decision, not LTA. LTA had wanted 967 to be classified as a feeder, but SMRT insisted otherwise. Apparently, SMRT wanted all feeder bus services to be housed under one bus interchange, namely WITH (as in, Woodlands ITH, not your English lesson ah boy). Since 967 is under WTBI, SMRT Buses (who also has OCD it seems) wanted 967 to be a trunk instead of a feeder.

    Lastly, another question: Why didn’t put 967 in WITH then? Easy answer: No space. I hate how bus enthus love creating new bus routes without considering whether the bus interchange has parking space to accommodate the bus service! For WITH, it is filled to max capacity, which is why 4 bus services still remain in WTBI to this day. Then, why didn’t LTA move out one bus service from WITH? Well, technically, they did (Withdrawal of 912M), but TECHNICALLY 912M doesn’t take up parking space, as it uses buses from 912/A/B, thus only taking up 912 berth space (and anyway, there’s such thing as crossover)

    Conclusion: Please read this until you have fully processed this info. And, there is nothing to counter in this statement, as everything said here is true (Unless SMRT can give an official statement disproving this).

    • 25 December 2024 at 9:24 AM

      I mean… you’re correct, ill give you that…
      But can you at least explain with respect? Not everyone has access to this kind of info man! The audacity to call ppl OCD! What’s the problem with giving ideas and suggestions? I for one would love 967 to extend, my idea being to extend to Punggol. No one cares whether 967 supposed to be feeder or what what, it’s in the past.
      Do you know what 181 is? It’s a trunk-feeder like 967. Now it’s going to extend to Tengah. All trunks have potential to extend. Even feeders can extend, such as 944.

      And if you want to remain anonymous, please do not use random ppls names, its embarrassing both yourself and the ppl named.

      • 26 December 2024 at 6:21 PM

        Is like why 944 needs to renumber to 992.

      • 1 January 2025 at 10:51 AM

        Respect? Bus Enthusiasts hasn’t been giving the proper respect to the public and the community, so what makes him give you the respect you all deserve? Knowledge and facts that are layed out by the officials, thought sometimes not agreeable, can always be found online, and yet bus enthusiasts can’t seem to fantasies on demanding why this doesn’t work, and blah blah blah. Perhaps read and write to the LTA if you are upset on the current route, instead of posting your disappointing comments here.

        • 4 January 2025 at 11:43 AM

          Sure sure, these are definitely “knowledge and facts that are layed out by the officials”
          Try to search online and let’s see you can find anything abt “967 supposed to be feeder”.
          What you mean bus enthusiasts dont give proper respect to the public? Tell me what we have done that is not being respectful? Recording? Getting excited about a new bus service? Please, what do football fans do then? And our “disappointing comments” you saying is our ideas. You like saying we dont send our ideas to LTA, when actually we do all the time. Our comments are to share our ideas with other bus enthusiasts outside.

          • 8 January 2025 at 6:12 PM

            Don’t play the victim here. Plus don’t bring the football fans here when it’s another issue. You guys think that y’all don’t do anything when in fact we are just tolerating everything y’all did.

            Screaming on the top of your lungs like the world is ending? Acting so passive aggressively when people are trying to provide you good advice? I guess you can call that respectful huh.

            Plus, how do you know that “967 supposed to be feeder”? Are you the planning officer? Are you the one behind the scenes? Because if not, you have no right to assume anything because for all I know, just like you, I’m sharing what I think too. So if you think that I’m being rude and all, okay. I’m sharing my 2 cents and I’m letting you deal with it.

          • 11 January 2025 at 11:49 AM

            Well soem you obviously unaware that somw bus enthusiasts have info from LTA that not made public.

    • 15 January 2025 at 8:13 PM

      And there is a plan to extend 967 in future beyond Woodlands

      • 19 January 2025 at 8:07 AM

        There isn’t
        Only speculations
        It’s how bus enthusiasts think, anything that they feel don’t fit their expectations, they start making up random sh*t that makes it worse

    • 22 January 2025 at 4:27 PM

      Actually one other argument is to move one of the trunk services like 856 or 964 over to WTBI. The criticism (frustration) is mainly one of customer vs corporation. It’s normal. People are unhappy that a business cares more for their operational convenience rather than serving the customers.

      One may argue that shifting 856 or 964 may inconvenience those commuters. However, I’d argue that those are mostly (if not all) able-bodied working crowd, who are likely to be less inconvenienced than wheelchair users who are more likely to take 967 as an alternative to going all the way to the TEL station (yes, biased, but if we want to be a more caring society who wants to be more considerate towards whose with accessibility needs, then we should be learning to understand the difficulties of those who use the accessibility access & us able-bodied folks should be ok to accept a bit more inconvenience if it helps others).

      Having the 967 route serving as a feeder helps intra-town transfer, as many of those frequenting WHC are more likely to be Woodlands residents, it thus makes sense to make it easier to transfer between feeder services. Those taking 856 or 964 are more likely to transfer to the MRT, & again, are less inconvenienced by either services being at WTBI.

      That said, thank you for the insight. At least now we know it’s SMRT to blame, not LTA.


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